Theory Lesson 6

The Renaissance 1300-1700
The Renaissance is better known as the Rebirth of European Culture after the dark ages. This is because it acted like a bridge to the modern era as the dark ages asserted demographic, cultural and economic deterioration.
During this time period there was an efflorescence of art which was a rediscovery of Greek and Rome.
Image result for birth of venusThe Renaissance spawned in Italy because they were much more wealthier compared to other European countries due to trade with the Ottoman Empire making the Venetians such as merchants and sailors very rich. 
They spent this money mostly on art in forms of:
    Image result for mona lisa
  • Visual arts 
    • Paintings 
    • Sculptures 
  • Literature 
    • Poems 
    • Writings 
  • Dark art
    • History 
    • Philosophy
Many important events that took place were:
    Image result for sculpture of david
  1. 1450- the printing press was invented 
  2. 1486- the Birth Of Venus was painted by Sandro Botticelli 
  3. 1492- discovery of 'the Americas' by Christopher Columbus
  4. 1495- the Last Supper was painted by Leonardo da Vinci 
  5. 1501- the Sculpture of David was created by Michelangelo 
  6. 1503- the Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci
  7. 1599- Globe Theatre was built by Shakespeare

Commedia dell' Arte 
Image result for commedia dell'arte hierarchyImage result for commedia dell'arte masksTheatre  of the professionals
National Theatre Youtube video notes:
  • Started on the streets 
  • Interactive with audience 
  • "Stereotypes" 
  • Stock characters 
  • Mocking higher classes 
  • Purely improvisation 
  • Masks are adapted to characters 
  • Examples:
    • Zanni - leads with long nose 
    • Dottore -leads with stomach
    • Capitano -nose looking down to evoke authority 
