Theory Lesson 5

Medieval Theatre Overview

Image result for medieval stage
  • Fall of Western Roman Empire 
  • 5th Century AD - 15th Century AD (1000 years)
  • Mystery, Morality and Medieval 
  • Originated from Christian Church 
  • Playlets were extended and additional scenes were added 
  • Other forms of art were inspired by this staging 
  • Diving narrative into scenes/stages
  • Set like a "street" 
  • Stage right = heaven 
  • Stage left = hell 

Mystery Play:
Miracle Plays:
  • Built around lives of saint 
  • Some not biblical 
  • Great narratives 
  • Challenging to produce/perform 
Morality Plays:
  • Average man 
  • Battle between good and evil 
  • "Everyman"
