Theory Lesson 4

Image result for morality play
Image result for morality play

Morality Plays
  • Type of allegory
  • Protagonist is met by personifications of various moral attributed
  • Antagonist try to prompt protagonist to choose between good and evil
  • Most popular during Europe 15th and 16th centuries
  • Rome was powerful as they had a strong army 
  • However territory spread and became difficult to protect 
  • Other tribes came in and fought 
  • Gradually Rome was loosing battles 
  • "Rome Fell" (500 AD)
  • Most of population was illiterate 
  • Church realised they could educate using theatre 
  • Theatre = powerful tool of communicating religion to the masses 
  • Church educated the preparation for the Day of Judgment 
  • Performers would travel lightly 
  • Improvised stages 
  • Church said theatre could continue only if it was religious in nature 
  • Medieval time = Dark ages (1000 years)
  • Depressing and low economy 
  • Plague
  • Priests acted parts of bible 
  • Nativity plays 
    • Image result for nativity play
    • Christmas time 
      • Reenact story of Jesus' birth 
      • Tradition 
    • Easter time 
      • Resurrection 
    • Evolved to include important events 
      • Noah's arc 
      • Cabe & Able 
      • etc
  • Theatrical performances 
    • Street players
    • Jugglers 
    • Acrobats 
    • Animal trainers 
  • Eradicate superstition and pagan religion 
    • Halloween 
    • Spirits 
    • Magic 
  • Big presence in religious holidays and seasonal festivals 
  • Characters would have been played by priests of church 
    • Evolved into actors 
    • Also would have choir 
  • Catholic countries even today 
    • Reenact crucifixion and major events in the bible 
    • Spain 
    • Italy 
    • South American countries too 
  • Some dilemma within church 
    • Overtime the church doubted the value 
    • Congregation enjoyed and did not want to kill off theatre 
    • As it was attracted a vast audience 
  • Benefactors spent more money to grow plays 
  • Travelled in wagons to inform all communities 
    • Could hold
      • Changing room 
      • Scenery 
      • Props 
      • etc
  • Started adding sub plots and element of humour 
  • Eventually settings became more permanent 
    • Elevated area = heaven 
    • Low area = hell 
      • Also would have flames 
      • Hell mouth became the most popular part of stage 
        • Due to special effects 
  • Scenes would be dramatised around the life of christ 
  • Umbrella term of Medieval Plays 
    • Morality Plays 
      • Mystery Plays 
        • Miracle Plays
 By the end of this time theatre would have established itself as a part of society. 

Independent Research:
Image result for brad pitt 7 deadly sins movie

We performed an adapted version of Everyman by incorporation the 7 deadly sins. I also then watched the movie version with Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman which I found to have captured the essence of morality plays amazingly. 


  1. This is a strong introduction and I like that you have included images to support your notes; you should continue to do this as well as adding links to relevant sources, and remember that you can enhance the information you gather with your own independent research into a specific area that might interest you.


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