Theatre Traditions: Rakugo Sit-Down Theatre

Image result for rakugo
Task 1:

Conventions identified from watching a video (Jugemu in English)

  • Sitting down
  • Interactive
  • Humorous story telling
  • Handkerchief and Fan to reproduce gestures of story

Task 2:
Origins of Rakugo (audio)
Rakugo developed as a form of entertainment for ordinary citizens as many different kinds of entertainers called "rakugoka" performed the generally humorous monologues. There is only one solo narrator on the stage. Dressed in a traditional kimono, the storyteller has to skillfully portray a scene full of imagination. It is still popular today and the most famous venues are located in Tokyo, Japan.

Task 3:
Mini demonstration of differentiating between characters (video)

Image result for rakugo props

Task 4:
Research use of props
Image result for rakugo propsBoth of these props are used in a variety of ways to tell the story. As a story teller, the rakugo performer helps create the setting for the audience to better use their imagination and enjoy the story. Therefore, rakugo is not only a creative story telling tradition, but also an insight into Japanese language and culture. When the fan is closed it can be the sword of a samurai or a tree. The handkerchief can be a headband to represent an old lady.


  1. This post is rather concise so just make sure that you have expanded on some of the information rather than just using bullet points. The visual images and video are really helpful for remembering the content we covered.


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