Theatre Traditions: Bali -Kaçak

Image result for kecak bali
Task 1 - Description to someone who hasn't seen it

This is a rhythmical chant with one leader that commands the crowd of shirtless men, that are sitting down with their legs crossed, sort of forming a semi-circle that narrows more towards a statue/idol-like rock. The commands spoken give actions to the group and everything is performed in unison, mostly with their arms. The movements are combined with jazz hands and front/back motions of the arms while they chant according to the leader. The most used commands are "Cak! Cak! Cak!" that gives the group a rhythmical shout.

Task 2 - Explanation and Demonstration

Task 3- Design a costume

Task 4 - List of information/facts from the article  (10 bullet points)

  1. Traditional Bali performance with no artificial backdrop or musical instruments 
  2. 50-60 men, bare chested wearing distinct Balinese sarongs sitting cross-legged around a set of torches in the centre 
  3. Kecak is accompanied by the chanting of the chorus men representing an army of monkeys 
  4. "Cak! Cak! Cak!"
  5. Effect is to provide a wall of dramatic sound against which the action of the play is enacted 
  6. Performance relates to the shorted version of the epic Ramayana Saga 
  7. Said to originate from Balinese ancient ritual called Sanghyang 
  8. As a form of exorcism to repel evil sprits in which dancers fall into a trance 
  9. First appeared in 1930 and then the new versions became popular ever since 
  10. Best place to watch is Pura Uluwatu where the dance is performed daily. 


  1. Beautiful work as always, this is an excellent summary of this theatre tradition and a great starting point.


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