Different Forms of Theatre Education

TIE (Theatre In Education)

Using theatre for an educational purpose. Whilst theatre can be for entertainment purposes, however theatre in education is mostly an interactive experience where they expect the audience to participate to the performance in some form of way. It is also not about teaching drama but using drama as a medium to communicate other relevant dangers or issues. The role of the audience is to empathise with the performance and therefore they will be able to simultaneously make a connection with concerns that would enhance their understanding of the issues and apply them in their own life. Therefore, theatre in education becomes difficult to categorise.

Target Audience:
Theatre in education focuses on establishing and extending links with the local community.

Objective & Intention:
Educating your audience

Augosto Boal wanted his audience to participate in his performance, he did this through a traditional way of asking them questions when his play was over. This was his form of turning his audience or 'spectators' into "spectactors"


  1. This is good but your project will benefit from further research into this genre.


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