Theory Lesson 8

Victorian Melodrama 
19th Century

Evolving out of ridiculing high class 
Relies heavily on sensationalism and sentimentality 
Tend to feature action more than motivations 
Strict view of morality in which good triumphs over evil 
Reputation of theatre was going up 
Exquisite use of music (usually piano)
Particular pieces of music would be related to a certain stock character 
"A Tale of Mystery" by Thomas Holcroft is considered to be the first English Melodrama 
René Charles Guilbert de Pixérécourt influenced music and spectacular effects 

Main Conventions:
  • Stock Characters 
    • Hero
    • Maiden/Damsel in Distress 
    • Villian 
    • Sidekick 
      • Henchman (evil)
      • Lovable Rogue (comedic and stupid)
    • Elderly Parents (evoking emotional response) 
  • Music 
  • Codified Gestures 
  • Tableaux (Freeze Frame Moments) 
  • Linear Plots (Adresses Morality) (Simple and Chronological)
  • Spectacular Effects 
Our Interpretation:
